Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How Hiring a Freelance Writer Can Save You a Bundle on Your SEO

New business can be very expensive, and creating captivating content at a moment's notice for any type of marketing campaign - especially email marketing - can be quite the struggle nowadays.

I'd like to share with you how to reduce the costs of gaining new customers by 99%, and while much of this focuses on creating blog content, it's also directly applicable to setting up effective email campaigns. Ergo, great blog posts are equal to creating smart emails.

Generating content for marketing is key to attracting new customers, and engaging current ones as well. While creating captivating, quality content normally equates to winning new business, having the time, money, and/or skills to do this can be a huge undertaking for someone who is already trying to run a business. Trust me when I say, "You are not alone."

A tried-and-true solution is to hire others to do the creative work for you. While you are conducting your specialty, there are those of us out here waiting to help drive customers to see what you are doing.

Enter Mr. or Mrs. Freelance Writer...


Here are some simple steps you may certainly use to drastically reduce your marketing expenses.

First, you must drink the Kool-Aid! It is, after all, cool, and how tons of others are already optimizing their rankings on search engines like Google and Bing.

Let's start by contrasting two ways you can spend money to drive people to you, and this will - no doubt - lay the groundwork for a paradigm shift in how you view a Freelance Writer.

SEO/Organic Search - Create Blogs that people discover through search engines.


Paid Searches - Purchase keywords on Google (Adwords).

Both of these methods will give you pretty much the same results: They will entice someone to click on a link and arrive at your landing page, or blog site.

Of course, buying keywords is quicker and easier, and many businesses choose this route. It is certainly less intimidating than writing.

Initially the thought of creating tons of content by writing blog articles is scary and time consuming to a lot of folks. BUT the benefits of doing it far outweigh the alternative, and is a gift that keeps on giving.

Adword campaigns are finite in time and benefit. If you run a campaign, people will, no doubt, come to your site, BUT they will stop as soon as you stop purchasing the ads.

Content marketing, on the other hand, is perpetual. An article is written, people discover it, and they come. Truly great content that provides a solution to a problem gets shared, and causes others to keep visiting your blog AND site because it's ALWAYS available when they perform a Google search.

A simple comparison between the two approaches will show the cost-to-benefit ratio, and ultimately, is a no-brainer.

Depending upon the quality of content, you can expect to generate - on average - about 100 views per blog article when hiring a Freelance Writer.  A view is, of course, a person reading the article. This equates to about 50 cents per view if you assume each article costs $50 (You can actually pay a lot less, or a lot more than this, but a good average is right around $50). Compare that to what it would have cost through Google Adwords, and it should give you an even clearer picture on how to handle what type of campaign you are running.

Assuming the articles keep driving people from search-to-site in the same, or even increasing numbers (which they will because the searchable content is indefinitely available), your effective cost per visit will keep falling over time because you only had to pay for the article to be written once.

It will cost you anywhere between $11 and $22 per customer by going the AdWords route. Compare that to $0.15 (yes, 15¢) per visitor!

Coming from the marketing industry, my keywords can become pretty expensive. Yours may be cheaper and the savings not quite as big but even so, there is a great deal to consider when you're talking about spending YOUR money!

Buying into the concept of content creation is simple. The next thing to solve is finding a cost-effective and efficient way to start generating that captivating content... You can't go wrong if you hire a Freelance Writer! Using outside help via this route is becoming the norm for businesses to save time and money, but it doesn't happen all by itself, and as with most things it can't be put on 100% autopilot afterwards either.

Good luck on bringing on the newest addition(s) to your business!

And, as always, if I can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to email me direct: jhales4957@gmail.com ...

Thanks for making my blog an important part of our lives! Talk to you again soon!

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