Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Content Creation is Closer Than You Think

We've all seen the images from time to time, and I'm sure you've noticed - just like I have - the UFOs of the 1950's look like... well, UFOs from the 1950's.

I'm talking about those grainy, black and white photos of flying saucers that suspiciously resemble the early NASA Apollo-era re-entry modules. I suppose we'll never really know if those “Foo Fighters” were ever capable of intergalactic flight. But here's the thing... I'd be willing to bet my not-even-latest-generation Android phone has more processing power than anything one might find in those old cockpits. After all, it's pretty phenomenal what a person can do with a smartphone these days.

Speaking of which, how many videos on YouTube, or your favorite social media platform have you seen lately where a speaker posts their most recent vlog? Chances are, they are filmed with a run-of-the-mill smartphone. The cool thing about that is everyone has one these days, and that’s all you really need to instantly become a content creation machine.

Don't just take my word for it though. Pull out your phone and attempt a dry run. No pressure, just your normal stream-of-consciousness. Have a conversation with yourself, totally casual, off the cuff. It doesn't even have to be structured or scripted. Talk about your own personal experiences. Take a deep breath, and you'll be amazed at how comfortable you are after removing all the pressure. Hit the record button, and a few minutes later you will have created the groundwork for some amazing content. Easy.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. What's my story of struggle and triumph?

This will uncover the root of your reservations, and reprogram your own thought process. Problem solved. You will find yourself speaking with tremendous authority on the subject of overcoming anything you put your mind and passion to...

2. How does this tie into what I'm trying to accomplish?

This will reveal a great deal concerning your own personal development, and it just so happens it’s a natural transition from your content to the pitch.

3. Who's going to put me on the spot?

Easy answer: No one! In fact, if you find yourself procrastinating, hand someone else your phone and ask them to hit record. Then just talk to them as if you would without the phone. It often helps to not be in a vacuum in these moments. Just talk. Try to make it no longer than 5 minutes of story-based content that points toward the resource of your choosing. That’s it. Mission accomplished. Content created, or blog post, Facebook update, or whatever else your heart desires.

What’s most important is that you put yourself out there and just be you! You’re looking to achieve impact, trust, and familiarity, and nothing else. BUT, the most successful people doing this are the ones who can create an emotional bond between themselves and someone who isn't even there, and simultaneously know that everyone is there.

Bottom line is that your prospects are struggling and don’t know where to turn or who to trust. They know the truth is out there, and they genuinely want to believe in you! So, go ahead! Help ‘em out. If you do it right, they’ll end up thanking you with their wallets.

Thanks again for reading my blog. I hope that this helps you overcome the biggest obstacle in your way... YOU!

If you ever need to reach out to me, feel free to do so via email: ... I will always answer you within 24 hours. Thanks again!

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