Monday, July 20, 2015

The Belief of Power

J. Scott Hales
July 21, 2015

It's all about people - not papers, pitches, or even a smashing presentation - whether you are an investor, entrepreneur, or job seeker. No matter where you've been or where you are headed, it will ultimately be the people to whom you attribute any and all success. I'm sure you remember every life altering experience you've ever had (they were, after all, life altering), but more so the people who were beside you during those times; the ones who left when the chips were down as much as the ones who were right beside you - every step - that will account for your personal success story.

I picked up a book online a few years ago entitled, Office Superman. What I thought was a comic book in book form about Superman certainly was not. Author, Alan Axelrod scripts the comic book hero in order to motivate real people to improve themselves in the marketplace. Good show!

Office Superman begins by explaining what - exactly - makes him so super. The answer was not what I expected, which was to tell me the reasons Superman was super was because he could fly, bend steal with his bare hands, and blah, blah, blah...  Not even close. Superman is super because he has people who believe in his abilities.  After all, though, Superman is not the only super person in the comic book world with amazing abilities.

Out here in the real world, however, guess what?  Everybody who wants to move forward iboth n their business and personal life needs believers.  In fact, if you do not have any believers, you cannot even do that which you know best.

The big lesson here for everyone is to become proficient in building a TRIBE of BELIEVERS which equivocates your true value to not just the marketplace.  To live a life without people who truly share and believe in your purpose is nothing short of blatantly cheating the process of building a life or business, and forfeiting an honest future. You have been building your tribe your whole life. I'd say thinking about the people to whom you owe your success is a great mindset, and a Spiffy Way to start another week.

May the healing continue!

Photo Credit: Office Superman, Running Press, 2004

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