Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Elite Marketing Pro: An Honest Review

My dad used to tell me (as I am certain most everyone else has/had a father figure who told them the same thing, or something similar), "Son, nothing good in this life is ever free." Who listens to their parents when they're adolescents though, right? I should have taken this one piece of advice to the bank and deposited it for safekeeping. Instead, it's like a bad song right before you get out of your car in the morning, and walk in to work singing that same stupid song all day. It seems as if every single time I am optimistic about a 'system' or 'product' that guarantees nothing short of financial freedom, my inner monologue will wait until the most inopportune moment - usually when it's already too late - to cue up my dad's voice as he spews forth his own regurgitated wisdom. But alas, this isn't a story about my father...
About two months ago, after not having traded time for money in quite some time already, I ran across a sponsored post on Facebook that claimed I could have my first $1,000 day within the next 90 days. However, I must say that it wasn't the claim that compelled me to watch the video, it was the face attached. A young man attacked my innermost need to better provide for my family, and I clicked the link within the video that sent me to a 'landing page' urging me to enter my email address if I truly wanted to have my first thousand dollar day...
One more click, and I was watching another (nearly hour long) video by CEO, Tim Erway. It was a Sunday night/Monday morning about 2:30 a.m., and I was truly inspired by what Tim was saying to me. EXCEPT... At the bottom of the video there was a blaring 'Add To Cart' button, so I knew the speaker was going to ask for something which I did not currently possess. Money.
The psychological component of this system is to (Duh!) get you to spend as much money as possible, but in order to do that, the speaker puts himself in the listener's shoes. His story is relatable to most anyone (I would presume) looking for a get-rich-quick program at 2:30 a.m. on a Monday. He had been through a foreclosure, and was facing eviction yet again whilst not having 'two nickels to rub together'. For clarity's sake, he did not mention one time during the hour long invitation what Elite Marketing Pro is or does, just that it is a system that he paid 'hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop'. Wait! I thought you didn't have two nickels to rub together, son!?
Initially, you only have three options to join, and one is a 10-day, $1 trial. As previously stated, however, I really didn't even have a dollar, so I asked my wife, and she obliged after about a million questions that I could not answer.
The trial is chock full of attempts to upsell the newbie via emails, subliminal messages throughout the Ignition! training, and two 'coaching' calls by an assigned coach. I didn't remember seeing an option for VIP Membership (and there isn't one) from the onset, but the further you get through the training, the more you hear about the VIP option. However, you don't get the price - whether you ask or not - until the last 'module' within the aforementioned Ignition! training.
  So, after traveling an enjoyable introspective journey throughout all eleven modules (yes, only eleven... The twelfth has since been removed due to some type of glitch, according to my personal coach, Rodolfo Rodriguez), I can give you all the skinny on Elite Marketing Pro's entire system.

In a nutshell, the deliverables one receives on the front-end are of far greater value than the cost, but throw in the support, follow-up, mentoring and mentorship opportunities, and a ridiculous amount more quantifies EMP - at the very least - as something from which a true optimist could absolutely benefit.

I mentioned the introspective journey, and it all began with the visualization of $10,000,000 in my bank account, followed by affirming what - exactly - that scenario looks and feels like.

Based on that, I was asked to list my top priorities in three categories: Have, Be, and Do. To clarify, what will I have, be, and do now that I am a multi-millionaire? I won't go into all of them, but I will tell you my number one priority listed, and shared with my coach, was to invest in a business model that would provide me with passive, leveraged income. I mean, that's the whole idea, right? Work smart, make more?

At any rate, I figured if they followed up with me like they did, and they have the same system in place to follow up with people I send them, I would try my best to send them more than they could ever handle!


You don't get full access to the entire suite of tools within Elite Marketing Pro, nor do you make anywhere near the commissions promised even if you pay for VIP Membership. Plus, the initial cost is just that. You must also possess funds to advertise ensuing said initial cost. Here are your options...
  • Monthly - $47 (The affiliate makes a 40% commission on all final sales)
  • Yearly - $297 (The affiliate makes a 60% commission on all final sales)
  • VIP - $1,997 (The affiliate makes a 100% commission on all final sales)
As a monthly member, I have access to a magazine entitled, What's Working Now. The system boasts over two dozen products that I don't get with just a monthly membership. I only make $24 if someone purchases the yearly plan through my link, and only $47 if someone spends $2k for the VIP through my affiliate link. Right now, you're thinking, "How is that equal to 40%?" My answer to you would be that it is certainly not equal.

There is also a video deeply embedded within the website hosted by EMP's CMO, Ferny Ceballos whence he flat out discloses (verbatim), " If you aren't a VIP Member, forget it." My question to him is, "Why even offer the monthly or yearly option if those members should just 'forget it'?"

In closing, I will leave the verdict up to you, my faithful reader. What do you think? I would love to hear from you. Just so you know, though, ensuing my first month's membership, I will be taking Ferny's eloquent advice... Forget about it!

May our healing continue The Spiffy Way!

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