Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Success Bone Connected to the Writing Bone

Through studying hundreds of employees at over half a dozen major companies in the U.S.,  Teresa Amabile, a professor at Harvard Business school recently unveiled a highly effective motivational and productivity-enhancing tool.

You seriously have to keep in mind that her conclusions are all supported by rigorous data, not merely a well-meaning anecdote, inspirational one-liner, or long-forgotten quote from a revered entrepreneur of the golden age. In short, her research wasn't just busywork.

Prior to revealing her prescription, allow me to first tell you what she discovered about the forces that destroy motivation and kill productivity...

Turns out that we are all emotional beings whose 'inner monologue' imparts a profound effect upon our overall effectiveness. The #1 killer of a productive day? it's toxicity - the seemingly insignificant and often mundane negative interactions that one might have with coworkers or management throughout any given day.

We'll always have to deal with setbacks or negativity. However, through keeping a daily chronicle of progress towards our goals, we’ll be forced to reflect on the positives, however small, which will elicit feelings of accomplishment and fulfillment. This keeps us focused on our "wins" and not the petty stuff that can cloud up the ol' headspace.

Here are the mechanics... The mode of journaling that's most effective is to recollect and capture what we have achieved over the course of our days; a mental snapshot if you will.

These are our trophies. Hang 'em up to admire! And remember, the trick - to make sure we follow through - is to keep things quick and simple.

Commit to the task of writing just one sentence per day. One sentence really can make a world of difference. Could be that someone you work with is simply in a bad mood and makes a deflating comment. Ensuing that type of encounter, we can become derailed and struggle to keep focused on any future tasks at hand.

It often comes down to subtle feelings of not being appreciated, or that someone is (perhaps even unconsciously) working against us. All it takes is a little snub in our direction to put a 'harsh on our mellow'... The takeaway? The old cliché, "It’s the little things that matter," luckily is true for the solution as well.

So what should you do in response? Well, it turns out keeping a daily journal is the #1 tool for productivity. This likely isn't the first time you've heard this advice. It's given freely and often… which, by the way, is a solid indication you might want to give it some credence. Need proof? Here's the science...

Meaningful work is one of the biggest drivers of motivation. It's proven to be more important than any monetary reward, shockingly enough. And the trick to creating meaning in even the most mundane situations is progress. This is a super convenient tool that takes 30 seconds. Record your accomplishments, and send them to yourself via a 6:00 p.m. daily email.

After a month of following these practices, you will not only feel the difference, but also reap the benefits as well.

At first, it will seem like a bit of a burden, especially after a long day. But, trust me, you will find you have become more invested in your own process, and more times than not, find yourself preparing for the nightly task by making mental notes throughout the day.

It's journaling with a purpose, not navel gazing. It's a place for brain-dumping, venting, and having fun conversations with yourself too. However, if you want concrete, data-driven, productivity-enhancing results, stick to consistently recording your progress. It all starts with simply making a commitment.

You can write one sentence a day, right? Let's get started today!

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